When Is Snoring a Health Concern?

Being sleep deprived isn’t just a nuisance; it can be a significant health concern. If you or your partner’s snoring is making it difficult to get a good night's rest, consider how snoring can be a life-altering problem. Snoring happens when the tissues in your nasal cavity and/or throat become relaxed. When you’re breathing as you sleep, your throat vibrates as air moves in and out, which causes the often hoarse sound known as snoring. 

Most everyone snores at some point while sleeping. Chronic severe snoring should be addressed by an ear, nose, and throat specialist. If you’re in Newport Beach, California, visit Dr. Alexis Furze, MD, office. He can help you get a night of better, deeper sleep by addressing your snoring with innovative techniques and surgical procedures.

What triggers snoring? 

Ongoing issues with snoring may be present for a variety of reasons. Some causes for snoring include:

Several factors can put you at higher risk for snoring; these factors include gender, obesity, alcohol consumption, or sleep deprivation. 

Risks associated with snoring 

Those who suffer from chronic snoring can be at risk for several health issues. Obstructive sleep apnea is one such issue in which patients report experiencing total blockages of their airway for long periods. People with this condition sleep lightly and wake up frequently from sleep. Obstructive sleep apnea is typically characterized by snoring that gets progressively louder and is followed by long periods of silence.  

Suffering from obstructive sleep apnea for some time could put a strain on your heart, putting you at risk for a stroke or heart attack. People who suffer from this condition are at risk for their airway collapsing in on itself and closing. 

If you find yourself suffering from one of the following symptoms, don’t hesitate to contact our office.  

Talk to Dr. Furze about your symptoms and snoring habits. He will be able to determine the exact nature of the snoring and indicate whether or not it is harmless. 

How is chronic snoring treated?

To determine the best options for treatment, Dr. Furze will begin by reviewing your medical history and conducting a physical exam. He will examine structural issues using an in-office nasal and sinus endoscopic evaluation and a CT scan. 

The first option for treatment often involves decongestants, changing sleeping positions, or altering certain lifestyle habits. If the issue is anatomical, you may choose to undergo surgery to correct the problem. Septoplasty or sinuplasty are both surgical procedures that Dr. Furze offers. 


Septoplasty is a surgical procedure aimed at the correction of a deviated septum. If a deviated septum is severe, it can reduce airflow to one side of your nose, making breathing incredibly difficult. 

During the process, your nasal septum is straightened and positioned in the middle of your nose via the repositioning and replacing of cartilage and bone. After the procedure, people find that their symptoms are improved. For several weeks after surgery, you should avoid strenuous exercise, blowing your nose, and elevating your head while you sleep to decrease chances for excessive bleeding or swelling. 


Balloon sinuplasty is a permanent, minimally invasive procedure used to clear blocked sinuses for people who suffer from chronic sinus infections and who have found other treatment options to be ineffective. The procedure is performed in-office under oral sedation (with local numbing, not general anesthesia) and does not involve the removal, cutting, or repositioning of any bones or tissue. 

Dr. Furze will begin by inserting a tiny flashlight into your sinus cavity. Then, he will insert a thin, flexible balloon catheter that will slowly expand the sinus opening. The balloon sinuplasty is a revolutionary type of endoscopic nasal surgery that uses cutting-edge technology guaranteed to bring relief to your inflamed sinuses. 

A saline solution will flush out any build-up of mucus that has remained in the sinus cavity. When the system is removed, your sinuses will open up. The balloon works by gently reshaping and widening the bones around your sinus cavity, while keeping the lining of your sinuses intact. A saline solution will be prescribed to you that will promote a quicker recovery. The procedure is incredibly effective in improving and reducing symptoms of conditions like rhinosinusitis.

You will need to rinse out your nasal passages for up to a week after the procedure. After the procedure, you should be able to return to normal activities within a couple of days. Swelling, fatigue, congestion, and some bloody discharge might be experienced as a typical result of sinus surgery.

Dr. Furze will instruct you to avoid strenuous activity and blowing your nose to avoid elevating your heart rate. 

Call our office, or book an appointment online if you’d like to address uncomfortable snoring issues. 

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