What to expect after rhinoplasty


Rhinoplasty can strikingly, yet delicately, alter the appearance of the nose and refine its relationship to the rest of your facial features. If you are one of the millions of Americans who have decided to undergo a rhinoplasty procedure, learning about the recovery process can help you understand how to best manage your healing and protect one of your most distinctive traits.

What to Expect after Rhinoplasty with Dr. Furze

Just as every nose is unique, no two rhinoplasties are exactly alike. While the recovery timeframe can vary from person to person, there are some typical healing milestones:

Helpful Hints to Speed Up Your Recovery

It is important to follow your personalized post-operative instructions. Whatever your instructions, there are a few basics DOs and DON’Ts that are part of any recuperation plan.



Your Consultation with Dr. Furze in Orange County

A specialist in facial and plastic reconstructive surgery, Dr. Furze regularly performs rhinoplasty at his Orange County practice. If you would like to learn more about what rhinoplasty can do for you, contact his office to schedule a consultation. Dr. Furze can guide you through all the steps of the procedure, from preparation to follow-up care.

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