What To Expect After Eyelid Surgery

The skin around your eyes is some of the thinnest on your body, so as you get older, it’s natural for this skin to droop and sag. In many cases, it’s not an issue, but for some, it can create a tired, inattentive appearance and it’s sometimes severe enough to block parts of your vision. 

Medically known as blepharoplasty, eyelid surgery is a reliable and effective procedure to refresh tired-looking eyes as well as to restore your full field of vision. Recovery time, though, can be slow, so attentive home care after surgery is key to speeding up the healing process. 

Alexis Furze, M.D. is a facial plastic surgery specialist and an expert with blepharoplasty procedures. Every patient has unique needs, and Dr. Furze customizes eyelid surgery to provide you with the best results for your skin conditions. 

The eyelid surgery process

Blepharoplasty is typically an outpatient procedure that lasts up to two hours, depending on the extent of the surgery. You can have work done on upper or lower eyelids, or both at the same time, though lower eyelid surgery is usually always cosmetic in nature only. 

Incisions are made either along natural creases or on the inner surfaces of eyelids, so any resulting scars are well hidden. Local anesthetics and sedation are the usual choices to keep you comfortable. 

Though eyelid surgery causes little discomfort or pain, bruising and swelling are common. Most patients go back to work in 10 to 14 days, but some bruising may still be visible at this point. 

What to expect after blepharoplasty

Immediately after your procedure, it’s normal for your eyelids to feel tight and your eyes may feel irritated. They could be watery, dry, or sticky, and they could be sensitive to light. Dr. Furze or a member of his team reviews your aftercare with you, including acceptable pain relief solutions. It’s important to follow these instructions since some over-the-counter pain medications can thin your blood and slow healing. 

Eye rubbing

Perhaps the most important instruction to follow after eyelid surgery is to avoid rubbing your eyes, something you likely do instinctively. In the early stages of recovery, this could interfere with the normal healing process. You will, however, need to keep your eyelids clean in accordance with Dr. Furze’s directions. 


Stitches may be dissolving or you may need to have them removed, depending on the specific technique used in your case. Permanent stitches are usually removed three to five days after your procedure. 

Swelling and bruising

Your care instructions include advice for cold compresses which can help reduce the intensity and duration of both swelling and bruising. These could last anywhere between one and three weeks, and you may notice continuing improvement for up to three months after your procedure. 


When your blepharoplasty corrects eyelid droopiness, called ptosis, your eyelids may not close completely in the earlier stages of recovery. Contact Dr. Furze in this case, to add gels or eyedrops to your post-surgical care. 

Results from blepharoplasty typically last for years. You’ll look alert, refreshed, and you’ll have no interruptions to your peripheral sight. Contact Alexis Furze, M.D. to arrange your initial consultation to find out more about how you’ll benefit from eyelid surgery. Call now. 

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