Tooth Pain and Other Symptoms of Sinus Problems

Chances are you don’t give your sinuses much thought outside of cold and flu season. An upper respiratory infection can make life miserable, particularly when your sinus walls become inflamed and swollen, preventing normal mucus drainage.

Sinus infections are obvious when you’re dealing with a cold, but sometimes, there are more unusual symptoms. When chronic sinusitis takes hold, you’ll have symptoms lasting three months or more, even with treatment.

When this is the case, you may need sinus surgery to enlarge drainage spaces. Alexis Furze, MD is your choice in Newport Beach for minimally invasive sinus procedures. Contact Dr. Furze’s office to investigate any of these unusual symptoms of sinus infection.

Sore teeth are common

When your teeth begin to ache, it’s natural to suspect a trip to the dentist is in order. However, certain types of toothache commonly accompany sinus infections and aren’t dental issues at all. If you’re actively in the throes of a heavy cold, you may not think much about soreness at the back of your mouth.

However, chronic sinusitis might not be as obvious as a cold with its collection of symptoms, so a low-level, persistent toothache may send you first to the dentist. They can establish when your toothache may originate from the sinuses. Typically, you’ll feel an ache in your rear upper molars. The sensation usually isn’t sharp, and it might be difficult to pinpoint the exact sore spot.

The roots of these teeth are quite close to the sinuses so pressure build-up from infection may be felt through the nerves in the teeth.

Other symptoms of chronic sinusitis

While it’s possible aching teeth are the only symptom you recognize during chronic sinusitis, it’s more likely that you’ll have others too.

Headaches are also common, and these, too, might be unusual when caused by sinus infections. Instead of at the temples or back of the head, you may have pain or tenderness centrally located on your face. You’re more likely to feel sinus issues around your eyes, cheeks, nose, and brow.

Less common manifestations of sinus infection include:

Typically, you won’t experience fever when you have chronic sinusitis, but you might for acute sinusitis episodes. Several acute sinusitis attacks may come before the chronic version takes hold.

Causes of sinus problems

Any condition, medical or physical, that causes a reduction in size or blockage of the airways could contribute to sinus infections by interfering with the normal drainage of the sinuses. This includes problems such as deviated septum (the tissue between your nostrils), or growths called nasal polyps.

Having constantly inflamed sinuses can lead to a chronic condition that requires treatment to break the cycle. Dr. Furze offers balloon sinuplasty as well as other procedures to restore clear breathing.

Whether it’s a toothache or any other sinus symptom indicating your sinus issues, contact Alexis Furze, MD at 949-205-7745 to schedule your consultation.

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