The Secret to a Natural Looking Rhinoplasty (aka: Nose Job)

There’s no single secret to a successful rhinoplasty, particularly if you choose a nose job for cosmetic reasons. Regarded as one of the most complex plastic surgery procedures, choosing an experienced surgeon is the best place to start.

Alexis Furze, MD, of Newport Beach, is a rhinoplasty specialist with more than 15,000 procedures to his credit. From choosing a procedure, to preparing for it, to recovering from it, there are some things to keep in mind to get great results. 

Choosing the right procedure

Though you may be dissatisfied with your nose, you may not need as drastic a change as you think. Conservative rhinoplasty procedures often bring remarkable changes that can make you look great. A big key is making sure your rhinoplasty brings your nose into balance with your face. And doing this may not require a great change.

Another thing to consider is that your anatomy can sometimes restrict your reshaping options. Your nose has important functions to perform, and changes should not interfere with them. Consulting with Dr. Furze will help establish what’s right for your face and physiology. 

Preoperative preparations

Getting ready for your surgery is as important as your recovery, so you should take steps to prepare for your surgery and for your recuperation after. 

Getting ready for surgery

Before your surgery, Dr. Furze may instruct you to change or stop using certain medications. He will likely instruct you to avoid using blood thinners like aspirin or ibuprofen two weeks prior to surgery. And if you smoke, you should discontinue using tobacco in the months prior to your surgery. All of these things can affect blood flow and the way your body responds to the surgery.

Getting ready for recovery

Make sure you have any post-surgery medications filled ahead of time. Furthermore, make sure you get a team of family and friends ready to help you after your surgery. You’ll need a drive home after your procedure, and you may need assistance with your daily responsibilities as you recover.

You should also arrange your bed and other resting places so you can recline with your head elevated to aid drainage of the affected areas.

After the surgery

Dr. Furze may choose to put silicone splints in your nose as after your procedure, and you may have a splint in place to aid the early stages of healing. You can expect these to remain in place for about a week. If you wear glasses, tape these to your forehead so they don’t rest on your nose during the early stages of recovery. 

You should also avoid strenuous activities until Dr. Furze gives you permission. You’ll also need to take baths rather than showers to avoid getting the incisions wet. Following Dr. Furze’s instructions faithfully will help you get the natural results you desire.

If you want a great, natural-looking rhinoplasty, you need to partner with a skilled surgeon. To learn more, book an appointment over the phone with Alexis Furze, MD today.

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