The Amazing Benefits of SINUVA

The Amazing Benefits of SINUVA

Nasal polyps, which are soft, benign growths that form on the lining of your nasal passages, aren’t in and of themselves much trouble. However, there’s only so much room for air to move when you breathe, and polyps can sometimes get in the way.

If these growths create issues for you, otolaryngologist Alexis Furze, MD, who has a top-flight practice in Newport Beach, California, can help. He’s an expert at implanting SINUVA™ devices, which can reduce the size of nasal polyps and keep your airways open.

Even if you’ve had treatments for nasal polyps, including surgery, SINUVA may be able to help you breathe easier. In this blog, Dr. Furze explains why nasal polyps can be problematic, how SINUVA can help, and what some of its benefits are.

The problem with polyps

While nasal polyps aren’t fully understood, there’s a connection between polyp formation and inflammation in the sinuses. Once polyps form, it can become harder for sinuses to drain, which in turn, can lead to more inflammation.

And, these conditions can lead to more intense infections, which may not clear up due to the inefficient drainage. And this cycle can lead to long-lasting and frequently recurring sinus issues, which can affect your ability to breathe well.

Conventional polyp treatments

Conservative treatments of nasal polyps include simple saline rinses, which are generally of limited benefit, or corticosteroid nasal sprays. While these sprays can be effective, about 60% of the active ingredient is blocked by the natural protective action of the nasal airways.

Effective use depends on using steroid sprays as directed, which is often a problem. Oral steroids may help, but these can’t be used over long periods due to the harmful side effects. While polyps can be removed through minimally invasive surgical procedures, additional nasal polyps can return. 

What is SINUVA?

SINUVA is a device that looks like a tiny plastic umbrella. It’s inserted into the area where the polyps are. Once inserted, the self-expanding device pushes back against the swollen nasal walls, creating room for breathing and drainage.

And, over the following three months, it delivers a proven corticosteroid, mometasone furoate, directly to the polyps, shrinking them. Then, once the three months are up, the device is removed.

Benefits of SINUVA

If you have nasal polyps, relief could be within sight. Among the many benefits of SINUVA are these:

Relief is quick

SINUVA’s expanding design means you’ll see fast relief from sinus obstruction as the device opens up your airways. As soon as it’s inserted, it will begin making space in the affected area.

There’s no hassle

Since the device slowly releases medication on its own, it does all the work. You don’t have to remember to take your medication, and there’s no chance of misplacing your medication.

Procedure is simple

SINUVA can be placed under a local anesthetic in a short office visit with Dr. Furze, usually lasting less than an hour. Patients usually only experience minor sensations of discomfort or pressure immediately following placement. And, as time goes by, the SINUVA device softens.

To find out more about SINUVA and to see if it may be able to help you, call 949-205-7745 to book an appointment with the practice of Alexis Furze, MD, today.

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