Recovering From Your Facial Fracture Repair: What to Expect

Recovering From Your Facial Fracture Repair: What to Expect

Do you have a facial fracture? Perhaps you injured your jaw, or eye socket, or bones in the middle of your face. No matter your situation, a facial fracture can lead to functional problems and appearance issues.

If this describes you, Alexis Furze, MD, whose practice is in Newport Beach, California, can give you the expert help you need. Dr. Furze is certified in facial and reconstructive plastic surgery as well as head and neck surgery, and he can restore your appearance and correct any functional problems.

But just as important as the facial repair itself is understanding what happens after surgery. Knowing what’s coming can help you manage your home care and pass through the milestones of healing. Every facial surgery has its own factors, and Dr. Furze will help you adapt to the unique needs of your case. Here’s what you can expect when you’re recovering from a facial fracture repair. 

The basics of facial fractures

Auto accidents and assaults are the most common causes for facial fractures. These injuries can be complex and include bruises, cuts, swelling, deformity, and other issues. Extensive fractures may require full-scale reconstructive procedures.

Depending on where the damage occurs, facial fractures can affect breathing, eating, talking, and more. Broken noses are the most common fractures, and vehicle accidents tend to cause the most complex injuries. 

An overall view of the recovery process

Since injuries to your face can alter your appearance, it can be easy to become impatient with the progress of recovery. However, healing times can depend on the injuries incurred, the treatments required to fix them, and individual factors related to the patient.

For example, even small amounts of swelling can change the way you look, and swelling can linger for 7-10 days after surgery. And bruising can take even longer to fully clear.

In general, if you have stitches, Dr. Furze will likely remove them a week after your procedure. Depending on the type of work you do, you may get the all-clear to return to your job at this point, if it’s not strenuous. If you have a more active job, you may need more time before you’re allowed to return to work.

Full recovery from a facial fracture may take months. This is normal and expected, as every patient has their own response, so you may heal faster or slower than average. But do know that Dr. Furze will give you an estimate of what your recovery process will be like, and he’ll update your recovery timeline as you heal.

Specific factors in the recovery process

Here are are some specific things to keep in mind as you heal from facial fracture repair:

Diet and eating

Your face may be sore, and the act of eating might be uncomfortable, even if you don’t have a jaw fracture. While there are usually no restrictions on diet after facial fracture repairs, certain procedures and your comfort may require you to alter your diet for a period of time.

For example, you may need to consume a liquid or soft diet in the early stages of recovery. Dr. Furze will assist you with instructions if diet changes are necessary. 


Resting and sleep are crucial parts of the healing process. When you feel tired, rest. Propping yourself up can help with drainage and swelling, so adopt this position whenever it’s possible. Resting or sleeping in a recliner is another good idea. 

Pain management

Dr. Furze and his team will provide you with a pain medication plan to help you stay comfortable during recovery. You may wish to fill prescriptions in advance of your procedure.

You may also receive a prescription for antibiotics. Unlike pain medications, which are often taken as needed, you must go through the entire course of antibiotics to prevent post-surgery infection.

If you need surgery to repair a facial fracture, Dr. Furze can help. To learn more, call 949-389-6673 to book an appointment with the practice of Alexis Furze, MD, today.

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