Recovering from a Balloon Sinuplasty

Balloon Sinuplasty

What is Balloon Sinuplasty?

If you have been plagued by the persistent and uncomfortable symptoms of chronic sinusitis, but have been unresponsive to medications or other therapeutic treatments, you may want to consider balloon sinuplasty–an innovative technique that yields impressive results.

Dr. Furze–a double board-certified Facial Plastic & Reconstructive and Head & Neck surgeon and expert in balloon sinuplasty–recommends this treatment option to patients who have found sinus relief to be elusive. Safe and highly effective, his Orange County patients typically report immediate alleviation from the symptoms associated with an unrelenting nasal infection–including congestion, headaches, facial tenderness and pressure, and difficulty breathing.

A minimally-invasive treatment, balloon sinuplasty is an alternative approach to traditional sinus surgery. During the procedure, Dr. Furze inserts a small thin tube with a balloon tip into the nasal passage. After insertion of the tube, Dr. Furze will gently inflate the balloon in order to enlarge and open the airways to facilitate drainage. When Dr. Furze removes the tube, the nasal passages will be unblocked, reducing the patient’s suffering. Less aggressive than surgery, balloon sinuplasty causes minimal patient discomfort.

What to Expect after a Balloon Sinuplasty with Dr. Furze, Newport Beach, California

Dr. Furze performs a balloon sinuplasty as an outpatient procedure at his Newport Beach, CA office. Because balloon sinuplasty does not involve the cutting or removal of bone or other nasal tissue, the recovery time is fast and requires little to no downtime. You will be able to go home shortly after the your sinuses have been opened and cleaned. Typically, patients can fully resume their normal activities and work schedules within a day or two. Following a few basic guidelines can help aid your healing process.

What you should stock up on before your balloon sinuplasty:

 Over-the-counter pain medication. Any discomfort resulting from your balloon sinuplasty is typically minor and can be managed with ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) or Tylenol.
 Nasal saline. To help clear the nose of residual mucus and other fluids related to your sinus infection, Dr. Furze recommends that you flush your nose with a soothing nasal mist, such as Simply Saline, Neilmed or Ocean Spray.
 Water. Many patients will see some bleeding and drainage for the first 24 hours or so after the procedure. Staying hydrated can help thin out mucus, giving an extra boost to the draining process.

What you should avoid immediately after your balloon sinuplasty:

 Driving. You should not drive for at least 6 hours after your balloon sinuplasty. Arrange to have somebody pick you up and accompany you home after your appointment.
 Eating and drinking. After the procedure, your throat may be numb due to the lingering effects of the local anesthesia. Dr. Furze advises patients to avoid food and drink until the sensation in your throat has fully returned–generally about 1-2 hours.

Complications from balloon sinuplasty are very rare. However, if you experience excessive bleeding from the nose or any other unusual symptoms, contact Dr. Furze’s Newport Beach office immediately or report to your local emergency room.

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