Myths and Facts About Botox

Wrinkles are often associated with aging, but some wrinkles, called dynamic wrinkles, form due to repetitive facial expressions -- like furrowing your brow. But thankfully, you’re not stuck with these wrinkles and creases. Botox is a minimally invasive injectable designed to reduce the appearance of dynamic wrinkles.

In addition to reducing the appearance of pesky wrinkles, Botox can also boost your self-confidence and help you look as young as you feel. If you’re ready to refresh your appearance but not sure what’s myth versus fact regarding Botox, don’t hesitate to reach out to a friendly member of our team.

At Alexis D. Furze, MD, FACS, Dr. Furze understands how wrinkles can be frustrating, and we know there are many rumors regarding wrinkle prevention and reduction. 

Continue reading to debunk the rumors surrounding Botox and learn what it can do for you.

Myth: Botox only reduces forehead wrinkles

Fact: Botox addresses many problem areas -- not just forehead wrinkles. 

At Alexis D. Furze, MD, FACS, Dr. Furze harnesses the power of Botox to reduce the appearance of wrinkles in the following locations:

Dr. Furze can also use Botox to:

Myth: My face will look frozen like I had “work” done

Fact: When administered by an experienced professional, Botox should not eliminate your ability to make normal expressions. 

Thanks to his skill as a plastic surgeon and face/neck specialist, Dr. Furze can deliver natural-looking results. 

During your consultation, Dr. Furze determines the severity of the dynamic wrinkles and the most effective number of Botox units to smooth wrinkles without sacrificing the ability to contract your facial muscles naturally.

Remember, Botox is designed to gently relax the facial muscles.

Myth: Botox sessions take too long.

Fact: The average Botox session takes about 10 minutes. 

You’ve probably heard that you can’t perform daily activities after your Botox injections, but thankfully, that isn’t true. When compared to more invasive procedures like face lifts or chemical peels, Botox is one of the simplest procedures with zero downtime required. That means you can return to work or tackle your errands immediately after a Botox session.

Note: Even though there is no downtime, it can take anywhere from 24-48 hours for you to notice results.

Myth: Botox injections are just for women.

Fact: Botox is suitable for both men and women. 

Since 2002, Botox injections have been FDA-approved for cosmetic uses in healthy adults (male or female) aged 18-65*. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, Botox is the number one requested minimally invasive cosmetic procedure -- over 7 million procedures are done each year.

*Dr. Furze offers Botox to individuals aged 21 and up.

Myth: Botox is dangerous.

Fact: When administered by a skilled professional in a health care setting, Botox is deemed safe and effective by the FDA. 

Botox does contain onabotulinumtoxinA, but when diluted, the injections are considered safe. According to the FDA, Botox consists of only three ingredients:



The most common side effects are temporary redness or bruising. Good news -- you can reduce post-injection bruising by avoiding foods and supplements that thin the blood. Green tea, fish oil capsules, and vitamin E are some of the biggest culprits. If you’re considering Botox, let us know what supplements you take during your consultation.

If you’ve been contemplating Botox, start your journey with a consultation to find out if Botox is right for you. At Alexis D. Furze, MD, FACS, Dr. Furze and our team of professionals are ready to help you reach your aesthetic goals with minimally invasive procedures. Book an appointment at our office in Newport Beach, California, by calling 949-205-7745.

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