Is Your Partner’s Snoring Keeping You Awake at Night?

Is Your Partner’s Snoring Keeping You Awake at Night?

About 50% of American adults snore, with the gender division favoring men. And since many of those who snore have bedmates, the person snoring may not be the only one affected by this issue.

If a bed partner’s snoring interrupts your sleep on an ongoing basis, it could increase your risk of developing conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure. Furthermore, your partner’s snoring could be caused by a serious issue, such as obstructive sleep apnea.

Perhaps the best solution is to stop the snoring altogether, and for that you can schedule a visit with snoring specialist Alexis Furze, MD, at his practice in Newport Beach, California. But, while treatment is usually the best option, there are still things you can do to get better sleep if your partner snores, and Dr. Furze discusses some of them here.

Block the noise

The most obvious solution is to abate the sound of snoring. Earplugs range from simple, disposable soft foam to more elaborate noise-reducing devices designed for factory work or for musicians. Sound canceling devices can be quite effective at suppressing background sounds. There are lots of alternatives, and one might be right for you. 

Distract yourself

Once you identify that snoring is an issue, it can be easy to fall into a cycle of anticipation that causes you to focus on the snoring. It can be difficult to break this cycle unless you have an alternate focus.

You may be able to shift your focus and tune out the snoring by listening to guided meditation routines through comfortable earbuds. Even listening to an audio book or podcast may be able to mask the sound of snoring. With time, your new routine may help push your partner’s noise into a low priority. 

White noise

Another sound-masking technique that may work is listening to white nose. While there are devices and apps that create white noise, simply turning on a fan may do the trick. While you still may hear the snoring, the added stream of sound may affect how your brain prioritizes sound and help you shift your focus.

Repositioning strategies

This requires your partner’s participation. Most people are more likely to snore when sleeping on their backs, called the supine position. Taking steps to make it uncomfortable to sleep in the supine position may reduce the overall amount of snoring.

You can purchase training belts or fashion a homemade solution, such as stitching a tennis ball to the back of sleepwear. These will guide your partner to sleep on their sides. Specially designed anti-snore pillows may also help by providing a supportive neck posture that aids in breathing.

For a permanent solution to snoring, Dr. Furze can help. He can give your partner a thorough evaluation and discuss treatment options. To learn more, book an appointment with the practice of Alexis Furze, MD, today.

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