Botox and Fillers: Finding the Perfect Combination

Botox and Fillers: Finding the Perfect Combination

Though time takes its toll on your skin and appearance, it’s not exactly the same for everyone. Much depends on genetics, the life you live, and even the work you do and hobbies you enjoy. That’s why no single skin care routine or cosmetic treatment can benefit everyone equally.

The good news is, if you’re looking to turn back the hands of time, Alexis Furze, MD, and our team in Newport Beach, California, can give you anti-aging treatments to help you look more youthful.

As well as providing world-class otolaryngology and facial plastic surgery services, we also provide medical spa aesthetic procedures that can help you look your best. In this blog, Dr. Furze explains the differences between Botox® and fillers, such as Juvederm® XC, and Restylane®, and how he can combine them to refine your facial appearance. 

The two types of lines and wrinkles

There are two basic types of lines and wrinkles: static and dynamic. Here’s a breakdown of both of them.

Static wrinkles

These types of wrinkles form due to aging and environmental factors. When it comes to aging, the production of hyaluronic acid, collagen, elastin, and other substances slows down over time, leading to less volume, less moisture, and increased laxity in the skin.

When it comes to environmental factors, such as sun damage and air pollution, these issues can cause wrinkling, sagging, and an increased appearance of aging. Fortunately, dermal fillers can treat static wrinkles by plumping up these areas and smoothing them out.

Dynamic wrinkles

Dynamic wrinkles develop due to years of making facial expressions. Over time, the muscles that make these expressions can begin to stay semi-contracted. These semi-contracted muscles, in turn, push up the skin above them to form lines and wrinkles.

Furthermore, certain parts of your face — such as your forehead and around your eyes — can take on a worried look due to these semi-contracted muscles. The good news is Botox can help relax these muscles and smooth out these areas.

Injectables to the rescue

As mentioned earlier, fillers are used to treat static wrinkles, and Botox is used to treat dynamic wrinkles. Here’s how they work.

Dermal fillers

Static lines and wrinkles result from a breakdown in the structure of the skin. Dermal fillers help out by plumping up the skin. Dr. Furze uses hyaluronic acid-based products, primarily the Juvederm XC line.

Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance that’s found throughout the body. It binds with water, storing moisture and supplying volume to the skin. Synthetic gels based on hyaluronic acid provide an effective way to fill voids and add volume. Dr. Furze also uses fillers by Restylane for the unique properties these products offer.


Dynamic wrinkles require a way to relax the underlying semi-contracted muscles, which are most noticeable in the form of forehead lines, frown lines, and crows feet. For these wrinkles, Dr. Furze turns to Botox.

Botox is a neuromodulator, which means it works by preventing muscles from contracting. Botox allows the muscles to relax, and thereby allows the skin above them to smooth out.

You should also know that Botox doesn’t leave your face with a frozen look. While Botox injections relax the primary muscles responsible for the dynamic wrinkles, the secondary muscles are left alone, so you’ll be able to form natural expressions. Dr. Furze also works with Jeaveau® and Dysport®, which are also neuromodulators.

The perfect combination

If you have static wrinkles, dynamic wrinkles, or both, Dr. Furze can examine your face and find the perfect combination for you. No matter what your aesthetic concerns are, he has treatments that can help you.

To learn more about Botox, dermal fillers, or other treatments, call 949-389-6673 to book an appointment with the practice of Alexis Furze, MD, today.

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