Are Sagging Eyelids Obstructing Your Vision?

Are Sagging Eyelids Obstructing Your Vision?

As you get older, skin all over your body thins and loses moisture and elasticity. This, in turn, usually leads to sagging, lines, and wrinkles. In many areas of your face, such as your cheeks, these issues may make you look a bit older, but they usually won’t interfere much with your daily living.

However, if your eyelids sag, this may not only affect your appearance, but it may affect your vision as well. Drooping eyelids — a condition called ptosis — can give you the appearance of being tired or inattentive, even if you feel quite the opposite. On top of that, severe drooping can block areas of your vision.

Blepharoplasty, the medical name for eyelid surgery, is the answer. Whether to restore your vision or refresh your appearance, you can count on the expertise of Alexis Furze, MD. Dr. Furze specializes in eyelid surgery and facial plastic surgery, and he can give you the care you need at his practice in Newport Beach, California.

Causes of drooping eyelids

While loose skin is the most common cause of ptosis, there can be other contributors. For example, you may have an excess of skin on your upper eyelids, which is a condition called dermatochalasis.

Furthermore, weak eyelid muscles can cause problems if they no longer return the lids to a wide-open position. And, damage to the nerves that control these muscles can be a factor. And, in some cases, low eyelids can be a genetic trait from birth. 

The effects on your vision

Depending on the cause, drooping can affect one or both eyes. Furthermore, the effects on your vision will depend on the extent of the drooping. At first, you may notice a slight loss in the range of vision at the top or sides. As the drooping continues, it might affect your central vision if the case is extreme.

It’s common to feel more eye fatigue and aches when experiencing vision blockage. And, your eyes might feel scratchy and dry, and you could notice an overproduction of tears. 

Treating drooping eyelids with blepharoplasty

There are multiple approaches to blepharoplasty. The treatment you receive will depend on whether the goal is vision recovery, cosmetic improvement, or a combination of both. Because of the natural folds of the eyelids, surgical incisions tend to be well-hidden. Some may even be made on the inside of the eyelids.

Excess skin is usually cut away. Sometimes fat deposits are reduced, particularly if you choose to address bagginess beneath your eyes. Do know, however, that blepharoplasty to restore vision is done only on the upper eyelids. In general, treatment done to address issues beneath the eyes is considered cosmetic, which could affect how much insurance covers.

Blepharoplasty is usually done as a short outpatient procedure performed under local anesthetic with sedation. During your consultation, Dr. Furze will discuss how you should prepare, what you can expect, and what you should do after your procedure.

To learn more about blepharoplasty and to see if it could help you, call 949-389-6673 to book an appointment with the practice of Alexis Furze, MD, today.

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