Am I a Candidate for Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is the go-to procedure when you’re unhappy with the appearance of your nose. Whether it’s the nose nature gave you or an injury affected the shape, rhinoplasty can give you the results you desire.

While you might think this procedure is purely cosmetic, there are health benefits. Injuries can cause damage that interferes with your breathing ability. Birth defects can also keep you from breathing properly.

Regarded as a complex, difficult procedure, successful rhinoplasty requires an experienced expert. Doubly certified in reconstructive facial surgery and head and neck surgery, Alexis Furze, MD is the partner you want on your side through the rhinoplasty process. A veteran of over 15,000 nasal surgeries, Dr. Furze is a rhinoplasty specialist, your first choice for expertise in the Newport Beach area. 

The scope of rhinoplasty

A top-five cosmetic surgery procedure, there are over 200,000 rhinoplasties performed each year in the United States. While the American Society of Plastic surgeons offers no breakdown of cosmetic versus functional reasons for surgery, the complexity of the procedure means that both aspects must be considered for any rhinoplasty surgery. 

There’s no standard approach to nose surgery. Every procedure requires customizing based on the patient’s unique physiology and desired outcomes. Even when the primary goal of rhinoplasty is a cosmetic change such as the removal of a bump or reshape of the tip, Dr. Furze must consider how these changes might affect your breathing function. 

Similarly, if your rhinoplasty addresses your nose’s internal structure to aid breathing, Dr. Furze plans his approach with the look of your nose in mind, whether you want a change or not. 

Conditions your surgery can correct

Cosmetically, rhinoplasty gives you a way to change these aspects of the appearance of your nose: 

Functionally, rhinoplasty typically adjusts the nose structure as needed to widen air passages. This may be due to problems with the septum, the cartilage that divides your nostrils. It may be naturally uneven or an injury may have restricted normal breathing. Other tissue including bone, cartilage, and skin may be altered during surgery as a way to widen your airways. 

Are you a candidate for rhinoplasty?

Virtually anyone can choose to have rhinoplasty surgery for personal reasons or if their breathing function is impaired through the nose. You must be in reasonable health for elective surgery, and must not smoke, as the effects of cigarettes and other forms of tobacco make surgical healing unpredictable. 

Rhinoplasty is not recommended for people in their teens until their facial growth is complete. Dr. Furze discusses your motivations and expectations for the procedure during the consultation phase to assure your outlook is reasonable. 

When it’s time to know more about what to expect and how rhinoplasty can help you, contact Alexis Furze, MD at 949-205-7745 to schedule your consultation. Call today.  


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