5 Things to Know Before Having Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid surgery is one of the most common cosmetic procedures performed in Orange County. Dr. Alexis Furze, Newport Beach’s top eyelid surgeon, has performed hundreds of successful eyelid surgeries. A double board-certified facial plastic, reconstructive, and head and neck surgeon, Dr. Furze has helped his clients achieve the best results by employing world-class techniques. If you are thinking about having your eyelids done, here are a few things to consider:

Best Eyelid Surgery in Orange County

1. Choose a Board-Certified Surgeon

Selecting the right doctor for your eyelid surgery is the first and most important step to ensure the best results. As a double board-certified surgeon and the head of Facial Plastic Surgery OC in Orange County, Dr. Furze upholds the highest standards of safe practice by working with the latest equipment and a highly-trained team. Furthermore, Dr. Furze works closely with every client to ensure the best possible outcomes.

2. Plan for Your Recovery

Although eyelid surgery is an outpatient procedure, it is best to arrange some time off after the surgery to ensure a fast and safe recovery period. Typically, Dr. Furze recommends a 5-10 day rest period to allow the eyelids to fully heal. It is also best to arrange for someone to drive you from the clinic to your home following the procedure. The Facial Plastic Surgery OC team will assist you every step of the way.

3. It Takes Time to See the Best Results

Do not be surprised if your eyes look a bit swollen after the surgery. It takes a few months for the swelling to fully subside. Dr. Furze and his team will brief you on everything you need to know before your surgery to ensure that you are well-informed about what to expect. Clients who have undergone eyelid surgery at our clinic in Newport Beach, OC, felt safe and secure every step of the way because of Dr. Furze’s team!

4. Post-Op Effects are Manageable

After the surgery, you may experience symptoms such as light sensitivity, swelling, numbness of the eyelids, pain or discomfort, and watery eyes. This is why it is important to have someone stay with you for a few days after the procedure for your own safety. These post-op symptoms are normal and manageable with the help of Dr. Furze’s team.

5. Do Your Homework

Just like any other surgery, it is best to do your homework before signing up for eyelid surgery. Search for the best eyelid surgery center and surgeon in Newport beach, Orange County and read about patient experiences. It is important to choose a world class facility such as Facial Plastic Surgery OC because we are equipped with safe, modern and effective equipment. Furthermore, Dr. Furze has received numerous commendations from his peers and his clients about his commitment to a safe and high quality practice.

Book an appointment today and speak to Dr. Furze’s amazing team about your aesthetic goals. We are more than happy to answer your questions. Drop by our Newport Beach, Orange County facility to start your journey to achieving the eyelids of your dreams.

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