Why the Demand for Eyelid Surgery is On the Rise

eyelid surgery

Do you still remember the time when plastic surgery was considered taboo? No one wanted their friends to know that they had a little tuck here and there, so much so that they’d even have surgery in another state or country just to avoid running into people they knew.

All of this seems like a lifetime ago. Nowadays, people bravely post their before and after pictures on social media and openly talk about their desire to undergo plastic surgery. In fact, record numbers of Botox and other facial fillers are performed each year and the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) reports 26% increase in eyelid surgery.

As one of Orange County’s most respected surgical specialists, Dr. Alexis Furze has undergone extensive training on various surgical and non-surgical procedures to improve the appearance of the eye area. Dr. Furze’s dedication to providing quality care to patients was put in the spotlight when he was awarded the Physician of Excellence Award in OC in 2017. Patients feel safe and at home with Dr. Furze as he takes time to listen to each person’s concern about his or her contemplated procedure. He ensures that patients have all the information they need before, during and after their eyelid surgery. In fact, most of his new cases come from satisfied patients – as they say, word of mouth is the best form of advertising!

Furthermore, patients also feel safer with a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon such as Dr. Furze, in addition to feeling more comfortable about the techniques and equipment used today. The notable increase in eyelid surgery numbers may be attributed to the fact that new minimally-invasive techniques allow for more precise, natural looking, fresh eyes. Dr. Furze’s techniques minimize downtime and achieve long lasting results. He has noticed a greater demand from men, who wish to remove excess skin below the eyes and reduce the appearance of under eye bags.

As the saying goes, the eyes are the windows to the soul. When it comes to your face, even minute details can make you look unnatural. Therefore, it is imperative that you trust only the experts when it comes to eyelid surgery. If you’re planning to undergo this procedure in the future, it is best to look for a board certified facial plastic surgeon who puts your needs at the center of care. Book an appointment today to meet with Dr. Furze and his team. He will listen to your concerns and recommend a treatment plan to best address them.

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