What is Sinusitis?

The discomfort can be relentless: headaches, congestion, difficulty breathing, facial tenderness and pressure. If you are one of the millions of Americans who has experienced these agonizing symptoms, you may be suffering from sinusitis.

Usually caused by an infection, sinusitis is an inflammation of the tissue that lines the nasal passages. Other causes include nasal polyps (growths) and a deviated septum (the displacement of the nasal wall). Those with allergic rhinitis or hay fever have an increased risk of developing sinusitis.

There are different types of sinusitis, characterized by the length of time that the symptoms are present.

Other symptoms can include: bad breath, sore throat, postnasal drip, loss of smell, dental pain, and general fatigue.

Finding Relief

Sinusitis can be treated both non-surgically and surgically. The course of action depends on the diagnosis and severity of the condition, that is whether it is acute or chronic. Before recommending a treatment plan, Dr. Furze will evaluate your sinuses and review your medical history, particularly as it relates to allergies and other risk factors.

If a patient has a history of a health condition that contributes to or triggers an episode of sinusitis, the treatment of the associated factor will be considered in the overall plan. For example, allergies may need to be controlled and addressed.

Your Sinusitis Consultation with Dr. Furze, Orange County, CA
A specialist in treating sinusitis, board-certified Dr. Furze has helped numerous patients in Orange County find sinus relief. If you are experiencing the uncomfortable symptoms of sinusitis, Dr. Furze can recommend a treatment plan that is appropriate for you. His expert and compassionate approach will have you breathing easier once again.  Contact his office today at (800) 498-3223 for a consultation.

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