Tips for Preparing for a Septoplasty

Don’t mistake a septoplasty for a cosmetic nose job. While the procedure can change the appearance of your nose, a septoplasty is all business. It addresses breathing problems by correcting a common structural issue with your nose – the deviated septum.

Any surgery involving the nose is complex because even if cosmetics aren’t the target, your surgeon must consider its appearance after the procedure while ensuring you’re able to breathe easily. Given the complex anatomy of the face, you want to choose a surgeon with expertise.

Dr. Alexis Furze is double certified in facial plastic surgery as well as head and neck surgery. That’s the kind of knowledge you want in your corner for a septoplasty procedure.

Why septoplasty?

Made up of bone and cartilage, the septum is the structure that separates your nostrils. It’s normal for it to be asymmetrical (slightly crooked), without causing breathing issues. However, in cases of more serious deviation, or if you’ve experienced a nose injury, your septum could be out of place enough to impact your breathing.

This, in turn, could lead to an increased occurrence of sinus infections since the passage of air and nose drainage can become significant. 

You may compensate by breathing through your mouth, leading to dry mouth and sleep issues, while your nose and sinuses could feel under pressure, causing discomfort and pain. 

Choosing a septoplasty evens out the size of the nostril airways and improves your ability to breathe effectively through your nose.

Preparing for septoplasty

Selecting Dr. Furze to perform your surgery is the first step in a successful direction. Dr. Furze makes recommendations based on the condition of your nose and your expectations for the procedure. He will discuss the surgery with you to assure you understand what is and isn’t being performed. Consider these other tips as you prepare for your septoplasty.

Drugs and supplements

Inform Dr. Furze of any medications you’re currently taking, whether they’re over the counter or prescription. Include any other supplements or natural health products. If you use aspirin or other blood-thinning agents, discuss when to discontinue the use of these ahead of your surgery, as they may cause bleeding complications. Dr. Furze will provide you with a schedule for alterations to your daily routine if changes are necessary.

Plan for recovery

Preparing ahead of your procedure makes it easier for you after surgery. Ask Dr. Furze for prescriptions for post-surgery medications so you can fill these now. 

Get your home ready for recovery, including lots of pillows to prop yourself up, particularly at night, to promote drainage. You’ll need supervision for 24 hours after surgery if you’re treated as an outpatient, including a ride home after the septoplasty.

Follow all recovery advice

Dr. Furze and his team will provide you with specific instructions about your recovery, including how and when to medicate or use cold compresses, as well as when to follow up with his office.

To start the process, contact Dr. Furze’s Newport Beach office at 949-205-7745 to arrange your initial consultation. Breathing well is a foundation of good health. Call today.

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