The Best Ways to Prevent and Soften Marionette Lines

Marionette Lines

As a double board certified facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Alexis Furze is a leading expert in helping clients prevent and soften the appearance of fine lines. He uses a multidisciplinary approach and a myriad of cutting edge techniques at his Newport Beach / Orange County clinics to improve this key area of the face.

What are Marionette Lines?

Marionette lines are vertical lines that run from the corners of the mouth to either side of the chin or jawline. They’re caused by multiple factors such as:

What can I do about my Marionette Lines?

Depending on a client’s specific needs, Dr. Furze may use dermal fillers or he may perform a lower facelift.

Dermal Fillers

Dermal Fillers replace lost volume and hydration. Juvéderm, Restylane and Voluma are some of the safest and most popular dermal fillers used at Facial Plastic Surgery OC. They are made of biocompatible hyaluronic acid, which is a naturally occurring substance in the body.

The main difference between these fillers is their consistency. Some, like Restylane, are used to fill in superficial lines, while thicker formulas such as Juvéderm Ultra Plus XC are used for deep set wrinkles and lines. However, each patient is different and there are no set recommendations on how to use each filler. This is why it is important to consult an expert so that your individual needs are met. Dr. Furze carefully analyzes each client’s facial contour and skin condition in order to decide which dermal filler would deliver the best results for your marionette lines.

Lower Face Lift / Neck Lift / Lower Rhytidectomy

A neck lift is a minimally invasive procedure designed to reduce the signs of aging on the neck. At the hands of a surgical expert like Dr. Furze, neck lifts can be both effective and aesthetically pleasing. It addresses loose skin and excess fat in the lower face and neck, thereby resulting in a smoother, firmer appearance. You will need to rest for a couple of days after this procedure. Pain and discomfort will be addressed by Dr. Furze and his team to make sure you have a safe and comfortable experience.

When it comes to your Marionette lines, trust only the best in the field. Book an appointment with Dr. Alexis Furze and his specialized team today!

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