Struggling With Nasal Polyps? Sinuva® Can Help

Struggling With Nasal Polyps? Sinuva® Can Help

Nasal polyps are common, non-cancerous growths that sometimes collect along the lining of your sinuses and nasal passages. On their own, they’re not an issue, but they take up space, and for some, that lost space can mean problems that affect breathing. 

Polyps can contribute to chronic sinusitis, a condition that shares many of its symptoms with respiratory infections like common colds, but which persists for 12 weeks or more. While these fleshy growths can form anywhere in the sinuses and nasal passages, they tend to favor a point where all the facial sinuses drain. 

Sinuva® represents a new approach to the treatment of nasal polyps and it may be a solution for those who suffer from complications like sinusitis. Alexis D. Furze, M.D., FACS is a Sinuva specialist as well as a fully qualified and experienced otolaryngologist, ready to help you with sinus issues and beyond. 

Nasal polyp basics

If you’re familiar with the appearance of common skin tags, you’ll have an idea of what nasal polyps look like. They’re soft and painless growths, just like skin tags, and they typically have a teardrop shape after they form. 

These growths don’t have symptoms of their own and you may not even know you have them. However, larger polyps or clusters of them can cause obstructions in your nasal passages. When you have a cold or allergies, these polyps can interfere with normal drainage, creating prime conditions for inflammation and infection, as well as reducing breathing efficiency. 

When you experience problems related to nasal polyps, you’ll likely develop sinusitis with the same symptoms as you have during a cold, though these might persist longer than the usual seven to ten days. 

Conventional treatment of polyps

Polyps are usually easy to diagnose since they’re often visible using a lighted scope. The first treatment goal is to shrink the polyps to minimize their impact on breathing and drainage, two key points in clearing up a sinus infection. 

Corticosteroids have been a conventional choice, in spray, pill, or injectable form. Antibiotics and antihistamines may also be prescribed to address infections and allergies to help relieve symptoms. If these prove ineffective, there are also surgical options. 

Sinuva sinus implant

Sinuva represents a new way to deliver anti-inflammatory medication directly where it’s needed, in a form that delivers medicine around the clock, for up to 90 days. There’s no need to remember when to use a spray or take a pill, and Sinuva’s active ingredient stays at the site of the nasal polyps.  

As well as delivering medication, the Sinuva implant’s shape holds sinuses and airways open, so you benefit immediately, even before the anti-inflammatory starts to work. Best of all, the implant is easy to place during a routine office visit. 

Book your appointment with Alexis D. Furze, M.D., FACS by calling 949-205-7745. Dr. Furze reviews your case, examines your nasal passage and sinuses and recommends your best treatment options, which include the Sinuva implant. Book today to learn more.

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