Should I choose Open or Closed Rhinoplasty for my Nasal Bump?


A Rhinoplasty, or nose job is one of the most commonly sought after forms of plastic surgery. Dr. Alexis Furze proudly specializes in the delicate art of nasal surgery. He understands the intricate nature of your nasal structure and is equipped with state-of-the-art technology necessary to give you a more nature and symmetrical appearance. If you’re considering a rhinoplasty procedure for your nasal hump, both open and closed techniques are viable options. Dr. Furze can utilize each approach to access the dorsum, or “nasal bridge”, both are accompanied by advantages and disadvantages.

Closed VS Open Rhinoplasty We recommend the closed Rhinoplasty in most procedures because it’s minimally invasive and offers a quicker recovery time. Endonasal rhinoplasty is preferred in cases with slight hump reductions with minimal tip adjustments. The approach disturbs very little tissue, keeps most support structures intact and essentially leaves a lighter mark than its counterpart. If the hump is primarily bony and lies in the upper third of your nasal structure, a closed technique is preferred. A closed approach allows Dr. Furze the option to access the dorsal hump through a pair of small incisions inside of your nose.

When revision or extensive grafting are required, Dr. Furze likes the advantage of being able to visualize the playing field. An open rhinoplasty allows your surgeon the ability to add shape or definition with extreme precision. This approach is generally utilized for under-rotated tips, asymmetric tips or cartilage grafts. If the hump resembles a curve and runs the vertical length of your nose, we rely on an open approach to re-contour your nasal structure. We’ve found the best method for your rhinoplasty is to opt for an experienced surgeon.

What is Considered Expected with Bump Correction? When considering rhinoplasty procedures, it’s important to have realistic expectations and know what lies ahead of you. The center of your face is not only a vital physical feature, but a critical part of your breathing process. Results, of course vary to the extent of your nasal procedure, but there are a few general things to expect. After your procedure, your face will feel and appear swollen for several days. We recommend frequently applying ice compresses, elevating your head and relaxing as much as possible in the weeks to come. Remember, rhinoplasty changes the size, shape and angle of your face and the final results will not appear overnight.

Why Choose Dr. Furze, Expert in Rhinoplasty Dr. Furze is a premier, double board certified facial plastic surgeon in Orange County. Due to his extensive training and years of experience he is able to understand and improve the internal nasal structures as well as reshape noses externally, resulting in a nose that matches the rest of the patient’s appearance. If you would like to learn more about open and closed rhinoplasty procedures, please contact our office for your complimentary consultation.

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