Rhinoplasty and Your Smile


Can a Rhinoplasty Alter My Smile and Voice? As the focal point of the face, the nose is one of our most defining features. Although there is no absolute standard for a perfect nose, an aesthetically pleasing nose is in balance with the proportions and characteristics of the individual face. Every year, many Americans undergo cosmetic nose surgery–known as rhinoplasty–to bring the nose into harmony with the rest of the face. Whether people opt for surgery to smooth out a bump or to reshape the tip, nose surgery can lead to dramatic results. A rhinoplasty can alter the appearance of the nose–but can it also alter your smile and voice?

Rhinoplasty and Your Smile

A rhinoplasty can potentially affect your smile, but this side effect is often temporary and barely perceptible. In many cases at our Newport Beach office, a change in the smile is associated with modifications to the tip. When Dr. Furze performs work on other areas–such as correcting a crooked nose or changing the bridge–the risk is effectively zero that your smile will be affected. However, if cartilage is grafted to the tip, as is often done with an under projected or droopy tip, it can possibly inhibit the upper lip movement. This is because the structure-adding cartilage makes the tip more rigid; as a result, the upper lip may not elevate as much.

Any changes in the smile typically resolve themselves as the nose heals. Because it can take up to 12 months for the nose to fully settle into its new form, the smile may feel a little stiff for some months. It is important to remember that a skilled surgeon will strike a balance between achieving an aesthetic goal and preserving a natural feel.

Rhinoplasty and Your Voice

It is said that Barbra Streisand refused to have a nose job because she feared it would affect her voice.  This has been a common concern, especially among those who depend on their voice professionally. Indeed, a recent study indicates that nose surgery could make the voice sound more nasal. But will the surgery have a profound effect? While it is impossible to determine how a rhinoplasty might influence your voice, most experts agree that a change in the voice is minimal. And, in some instances, the impact could be positive. A rhinoplasty can unblock the airways and improve breathing. As a result, the voice may sound less nasal. Again, choosing the right surgeon will minimize the risk of voice alterations.

While rhinoplasty may affect your smile and voice, it should not necessarily be a deterrent to undergoing a nose surgery. In general, the secondary effects are subtle and not permanent. For many, the short-term trade offs are well worth the enduring benefits of the final results.

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