Questions to Ask During Your Plastic Surgery Consultation

plastic surgery

Facial plastic surgery can be transformative. However, the decision to undergo a procedure should not be taken lightly. Facial plastic surgery is just as much an art as it is a science. The face is full of details and an incredible amount of skill is necessary to “get it right.” Finding the right surgeon boosts your chances for a successful outcome. Dr. Alexis Furze shares the five questions you should ask your surgeon.

Five Questions You Need to Ask Your Surgeon

  1. “What are your credentials?”

Did you know that in the United States, a licensed physician can legally perform cosmetic surgery? It may come as a surprise that specific training in cosmetic surgery is not required. Ask your potential facial plastic surgeon if he or she is board certified in cosmetic surgery. Specialized board certification is difficult to obtain and, thus, ensures that your potential surgeon has a certain level of experience and expertise.

  1. “How often do you perform this procedure?”

Expertise is built on experience–and any experienced facial plastic surgeon will tell you that no two faces are alike. However, a facial plastic surgeon who frequently performs a particular procedure–with demonstrable results– will have enough breadth of experience to instill confidence.

  1. “Can I speak to some of your past patients?”

The personal recommendation is, of course, one of the most powerful ways to assess your potential surgeon’s skills and the patient experience. A reputable surgeon will have before and after images available, as well as current and relevant testimonials. Make sure that you request to speak to patients who specifically have had the procedure you are considering.

  1. “Do you have computer imaging technology?”

It is impossible to predict exactly how you will look after your facial plastic surgery, but sophisticated computer imaging technology can give an excellent approximation.  A top surgeon will have the latest visualization tools available.

  1. “What can I expect after surgery and during the recovery period?”

After your facial plastic surgery, your body will need time to heal. In order to best plan for your procedure, you should get an idea of what to expect as you recover, such as postoperative follow up visits. Take the opportunity to speak to your potential surgeon about any uncertainties that you have, as well as to get a sense of the surgeon’s availability after the surgery.

Before your facial plastic surgery consultation, write down your questions so you can take advantage of the appointment. At the end of your consultation, you should feel confident that all your concerns were addressed. At our Newport Beach office, Dr. Furze is always open to your questions.

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