Non-Surgical vs Surgical Chin Augmentation in Orange County

chin augmentation

What is a Chin Augmentation? 

A chin augmentation is a cosmetic enhancement that can strengthen the jawline and chin, bringing an underdefined lower face into greater harmony with the upper face. A chin augmentation procedure can elongate, widen or increase the projection of the chin.

How Does Dr. Furze Perform a Chin Augmentation?

Traditionally, a chin augmentation procedure involves surgery (genioplasty). However, with the rise of soft tissue fillers, new techniques have been developed and non-invasive options have become more widely available. In some cases, it may be necessary to perform surgery to reposition bone in order to reshape the chin. In others, the face may be dramatically, yet classically, transformed using non-surgical procedures. Using different chin contouring techniques, Dr. Alexis D. Furze helps his patients realize a more elegant, chiseled jawline.

How Surgical and Non-Surgical Chin Augmentation Procedures Compare

Both surgical and non-invasive chin augmentation techniques are highly effective. However, the procedures differ in terms of recovery time, risks and the investment of time and money.

Chin Augmentation Procedures

Surgical Enhancement

Non-Surgical Enhancement

How it’s done

Incisions, bone rearrangement  and implants, under general anesthesia

Injections, local anesthesia needed

Procedure time

1-3 hours

10-45 minutes

Sculpting material/techniques

Implants, bone adjustment, liposuction

Sculpting with temporary or permanent dermal fillers such as Radiesse or Artefill


Long-lasting, permanent

Temporary (up to a year) depending on the type of filler used

Risks and side effects

Carries the risks associated with any surgery, such as an adverse reaction to anesthesia, infection, bleeding and scarring.

Few risks, some temporary side effects such as minor swelling, redness, and some numbness; certain fillers may cause an adverse reaction to those with allergies

Recovery time

A healing period of 7-10 days, with swelling and bruising potentially persisting for a few weeks; it can take up to four weeks to see final results.

None, some redness and swelling will occur; results can be seen in one to two weeks.

Cost on average

up to $5,000

$1,500 and up, depending on the amount of filler required (number of syringes used)

Which Chin Enhancement Procedure Is Right for You?

Which chin enhancement procedure is right for you will depend on your unique facial anatomy, the condition of your skin, and your medical history (with special attention to previous procedures and allergies).  For those who have a structural deficiency or inadequate bone in the chin area, surgery is generally the procedure of choice. If you would like some contouring done, but have concerns about surgery and downtime, you may want to opt for a non-surgical chin augmentation.

In both cases, ideal candidates are in overall good health and have realistic expectations.

Chin Augmentation Consultation with Dr. Furze in Orange County

If you have a receding or underdefined chin and would like to increase its prominence, contact Dr. Furze in Orange County for a consultation.  A board-certified Head and Neck surgeon, Dr. Furze specializes in facial plastic and reconstructive surgery. A an experienced specialist, he understands the advantages and disadvantages of both surgical and non-surgical chin augmentation techniques. With his expert eye and exceptional skill, Dr. Furze can recommend the procedure that will best suit your facial structure and aesthetic goals.

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