Four Medical Causes of Loud Snoring

Four Medical Causes of Loud Snoring

Snoring happens when restrictions in the airways cause tissues to vibrate. Snoring isn’t always a medical problem. However, loud snoring can be a sign that you need treatment.

Alexis Furze, MD, whose practice is in Newport Beach, California, specializes in snoring and the reasons behind it. If snoring becomes a loud and regular issue, you should get evaluated by Dr. Furze. Loud snoring could indicate an underlying medical issue.

Four medical causes of loud snoring

There are plenty of reasons why people snore. It can be an occasional or temporary problem. For example, it could follow a night of overindulgence in alcohol, or it could occur during the later stages of pregnancy.

The solution for snoring depends on the factor or factors causing it. Snoring may stop when you reduce your alcohol consumption or after giving birth, for example. However, loud, chronic snoring usually needs treatment in order for it to resolve.

Here are four medical reasons for loud snoring that usually require intervention before symptoms lessen or stop. 

Mouth and nose anatomy

The size and shape of your airways can greatly influence your risk for snoring. Anatomical contributors to snoring can include:

You may have one or more of these conditions, and they could be combining to create the tissue vibrations behind your loud snoring. Dr. Furze is a skilled nasal and breathing surgeon who can correct many of these issues.

Chronic nasal congestion

Snoring is common if there’s congestion due to a respiratory infection, such as a cold or the flu. This isn’t a problem if the infection clears in a week or two. Sometimes, though, congestion can hang around due to allergies or a lingering infection.

Furthermore, physical problems, such as the ones listed above, can keep sinuses from draining properly. Frequent nighttime nasal congestion can result in loud snoring. 


Carrying extra pounds can cause a narrowing and collapsing of the tissues of your airways. And aging can complicate the matter, because muscle tone in the mouth and throat can lessen over time.

However, losing even a modest amount of weight may help reduce the amount you snore. Furthermore, myofunctional therapy — which helps strengthen the muscles in the mouth and face — may help improve your muscle tone, which may reduce the intensity and frequency of your snoring.


An underactive thyroid affects your body’s metabolism. Symptoms include slowed heart rate, puffiness in the face, and a hoarse voice. There’s also evidence that hypothyroidism can trigger snoring. The good news is that treating a thyroid hormone deficiency can often correct the problems caused by the condition, including snoring.

If you snore loudly, Dr. Furze can help. He can give you a thorough evaluation and discuss your next steps. To learn more, call 949-389-6673 to book an appointment with the practice of Alexis Furze, MD, today.

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